

Welcome to my blog. I share with you everything I love from culture and community to food and tech.


My Truth

My Truth

In a few weeks I will be starting a new position...

One love story ends and a new one begins. I am finally allowing myself to embrace this moment. The journey has not been ideal. To my friends and colleagues who have expressed concern over the last several months, I thank you for your understanding, support and patience. It will take me some time to navigate down this new path. I am preparing to receive those who will appear and stay the course with me. 

My Little One, I have fought so hard to keep you. Your heartbeat has been steady and consistent and your kicks are growing stronger each day. You love it when I dance around and play all kinds of music. I have seen your adorable cheeks and can hardly wait to hold you in my arms. Thank you for choosing me to be your mommy.


34 weeks and 4 daysPhoto Credit: Diana Miller Photography

34 weeks and 4 days

Photo Credit: Diana Miller Photography

About Diana Miller Photography:

There are few I trust to work with for a shoot like this. Diana Miller and I have known one another for several years. She heard what was on my heart, saw me beyond what I thought this session should capture, and applied her vision. I am grateful to her for that. If you are looking for a professional photographer who can grow with you and your family, I highly recommend working with Diana Miller Photography.


Baby G: The Fourth Trimester

Baby G: The Fourth Trimester

G-ma's Garden

G-ma's Garden