All in Poem


A poem summarizing one aspect of my experience as part of this community I didn’t realize I would join. The Sandwich Generation is defined as a generation of people in their 30’s or 40’s who are responsible for bringing up their own minor children and for the care of their aging parents. To learn more about this experience, please read this New York Times article, “It’s Pretty Brutal: The Sandwich Generation Pays a Price.”

G-ma's Garden

There was no significant way the plants were planted in the soil.

Branches of fruit would intermingle with the vegetables

Plush, fertile flowers growing like weeds

Tropical vegetation that can only survive in humidity

Gardenias I would pick for my hair and place behind my right ear

Which was a sign…


Mysterious wanderers

Lost in confusion

Some without a home

Most without a soul

Content is never found amongst us

The need for money is great

There is always a want for more