

Welcome to my blog. I share with you everything I love from culture and community to food and tech.


Our #GameDev Parade Continues Forward in October

Our #GameDev Parade Continues Forward in October


Ahh, Fall is here and it even rained a bit (YAY)! But, our parade continues forward with a set of great networking opportunities for October!

You'll also notice 2 events that won't take effect this month: Demo Night & Ninja Pandas :(

Demo Night will return in November, since we're doing a Mingle Night this month in Davis!

For Ninja Pandas, the awesome couple (Jateen & Claire) are due to have their 1st baby this month!!!! #NERDAWWW

HUGE CONGRATS TO THEM! You'll be missed!!! We should be getting some Powerpoint info from Jateen soon. So, stay tuned! :)

Also, we have a NEW IGDA Sacramento Facebook Group

For this new FB group, it is important to understand the goal: To stay connected! To stay informed!

This Chapter is built off its mission to create, grow, & provide opportunities to all of our aspiring & veteran Game Developers to become MORE than they were yesterday! Are you feeling me, my nerds?

Because of this, there will be constant & flowing information on all things Sacramento & more! If this constant & flowing information is too much (sometimes, I can be that guy), do not join the group.

We want to make sure we, as the Chapter, do our part to make sure we share all that we're aware of within our community at any given time. But, we also want to be very mindful of that amount of information that may/may not apply to you.

Ok, PHEW! Ready to carry on, wayward son? FORWARD!

The Importance of Inclusivity w/Cat Wendt of IGDA
Date: Wednesday, October 14th, 2015, 6pm-8pm
Location: Art Institute of Sacramento, Sacramento, CA

Meetup Info: On this evening, you'll have an opportunity to speak w/Cat Wendt and discuss why the above mentioned elements are so important to any game developer from 1-100+!

Event Link: http://www.meetup.com/gamedeveloper/events/225842238/

IGDA Sacramento Mingle Night @ De Vere's (Davis location)
Date: Thursday, October 15th, 2015, 6-9pm
Location: De Vere's, Davis, CA

Meetup Info: Ready to mingle with your fellow nerd? Want to get a better understanding about our Chapter & how these nerds roll?WELL, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!

Event Link: http://www.meetup.com/gamedeveloper/events/225691494/

Progressive Game Jam #5 (2015-2016)
Date: Saturday, October 31st, 2015, 11am-5pm
Location: Café Colonial, Sacramento, CA

Meetup Info: The last Game Jam was utterly inspirational!!! To see so much progress in such a short period of time made this nerd express a ton of joy! It's as if the teams really care about their game! :-D Oh, since this DOES fall on Halloween, costumes are quite ok! ;-)

Event Link: http://www.meetup.com/gamedeveloper/events/225692124/

SPECIAL EVENT: Startup Weekend Sacramento - Elk Grove Edition
Date: Friday, November 13th to Sunday, November 15th, 2015
Location: Innogrove, 8153 Elk Grove Blvd, Elk Grove, CA

Meetup Info: We have a brand new Tech presence in Elk Grove called INNOGROVE and they're ready to leave their mark in the community! This is a good way to do just that! :D

Startup Weekend is back in Sacramento! If you're not familiar, Startup Weekend is a 54-hour event where developers, designers and business development folks come together to pitch an idea and launch a business, all in one weekend. It is a great opportunity to test startup ideas, meet potential co-founders, build the community in Sacramento and launch your next startup!

DISCOUNT ALERT: Please be sure to use promo code IGDA for a 35% discount. Students can receive 50% off using code STUDENTand showing school ID at the door.

Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1485517195076948/

As always, we want to know what YOU want to see in an upcoming IGDA Sacramento event! Let us know which past sessions you've liked, what you didn’t, what you want to learn and what events you’d like to see happen!



-IGDA Sacramento Board

Gabriel G. - Chairman, gabriel AT igdasacramento DOT org
Briana Aea - Marketing Coordinator
Colin Sullivan - Vice Chairman

P.S. Don't forget to check us out, follow, like and spread the Sacramento Game Dev love with our links below!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SacDevCreatives

Youtube: Sacramento Developer Collective Playlist

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SacramentoGameDevelopers/


IGDA Sacramento Newsletter: December 2015

IGDA Sacramento Newsletter: December 2015

Indie Developer Spotlight: NDXP Games

Indie Developer Spotlight: NDXP Games